Diane Lloyd #2 Diane’s losing it (but weight remains the same)

She came back on insta this weekend, a post about taking time out for herself then the usual copy and paste posts about whatever.
😂 😂 Glued to here then!
Popping back on to reassure her she's still not quitting, not giving up... blah blah blah...

I'm still baffled by this uni degree that she claims to be doing. She's allegedly in 2nd yr and says she got no help this semester because the support hadn't been put in place? That's very odd. Anyone I know with a statement has their support systems put in place in first year and that's it, it doesn't need to be done annually? I still can't believe she's doing a BA Hons in anything never mind psychology...
Now claiming she's Autistic along with her ADHD.
When did she get that diagnosed? how long did she wait.? ( ppl are waiting years unless its done privately)
I'm calling Dr Google to the witness stand.
I had ADHD I manage like plenty of us. To plan and cook healthy meals for. our families.
One Excuse after another.
Now claiming she's Autistic along with her ADHD.
When did she get that diagnosed? how long did she wait.? ( ppl are waiting years unless its done privately)
I'm calling Dr Google to the witness stand.
I had ADHD I manage like plenty of us. To plan and cook healthy meals for. our families.
One Excuse after another.
100% Dr Google.

She's on a one-way ticket to an early grave regardless of her excuses
couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Diane had diagnosed herself with autism! She has never spoken about different food textures before. Why now?
diane is just making excuses because she is too lazy to make her own meals.
I’m just thinking of all her wonderful meals where she has covered everything with baked beans and tinned tomatoes. How can she say she can’t eat foods together, and they all have different textures! She is such an intention seeker and liar!
Beyond disgusting that she has posted about depression and not credited the original author. It was published by the Word Health Organisation. What kind of sicko does that?
Does this woman have munchausen's disorder? She claims to have so many ailments.
And don't forget the time she claimed to be part of the LGBTQ community.
She sure loves a label.
Now she’s saying what if she stops being D If she’s thin ? Really she can’t lose a stone never mind 15 stone to make her thin delusional and attention seeker
Unfortunately, because she is SOOOOO obese, she could do everything right and still be overweight because her loose skin will be horrific. And the NHS won't help her with that.
Crocodile tears again and attention seeking.
How can Diane counsel people when she can’t
help herself. Wouldn’t helping people with psychological problems make her anxiety worse?
she will never be thin. It’s quite sad hearing her say when she is thin she won’t be Diane, but she never will be that person she wants to be.
Crocodile tears again and attention seeking.
How can Diane counsel people when she can’t
help herself. Wouldn’t helping people with psychological problems make her anxiety worse?
Who in their right mind would pay this person for any kind of counselling? How many 'caps' has she tried now and still is going nowhere. Her 'life coaching' was an MLM/scam and is so obviously bullshit, noone who has legitimate issues would ever consider her for any kind of support. Her online rants, and constant 're-sets' are a joke. Crying and doing the 'poor me' wears very thin after years of the same old tit. And I'll keep saying it- how on earth is she more then half way through a BA Hons degree. It's just so unbelievable...