Diane, unless you change your eating habits you will die sooner than you'd like. Being this big is not good for your internal organs, your joints & your mental health.
If you do not want to take advice from your peeps, then just carry on eating, but I will say this once more.
Eat 3 meals a day, sensible meals, off of a smaller plate. You don't need to fill it. Eat at set times to get yourself into a routine. Get up at 7.30, shower, eat breakfast, take dog for a stroll. Do some housework, great for exercise. Lunch at 12.30, walk dog again. Dinner at 6, walk dog. Have 3 sensible snacks spaced out the day. Just by doing this you will lose weight. You will feel better about yourself.
Stop posting ridiculous posts & nonsensical memes & have some pride in yourself.