It seems that Diane has found her audience again - posting on that "our slimming journey in this together" page.
Almost 4k members - she loves it.
Before you know it she will be asking if she can promote her 'new group' and she will try and get as many over to her as she can.
She massively regrets clearing out /deleting her original group which had over 2k members as I remember. This is her chance to get a big group up and going again.
I feel sorry for the admin on the OSJ (our slimming journey) page. I think there is only 2 of them. They have clearly taken Diane under their wing, and are really spouting the "be kind" ideology. Which is fine - but they have a zero tolerance policy with no strikes- say something that is seen as unkind and you're out.
However, the written word is difficult to interpret sometimes. And we all know Diane takes offence easily. People are scared to comment on her posts because if you say something, anything that she doesn't like - you're reported to admin and banned.
If you're on that FB page you can see other people's posts get comments, but Diane's get very few - people want to say stuff but don't want to be taken the wrong way.
I've also noticed that most if her posts have had the comments turned off by admin
One of her posts shows a member removed - and admin asking people to be kind as they are fed up of getting messages at 11pm to be told there is a problem. We all know it's someone saying something that Diane doesn't like, and then throwing her toys out of her pram and complaining to admin.
I saw her live on there yesterday - she was saying that her house isn't dirty, it's just cluttered because her husband is a hoarder. She had to make it very clear that the original comments were not made on that OSJ page- we all know its from reading here (Hi Diane!).
I'd love to know where they get the money from to buy the amount of
tit they have in that house.
Oh - and I don't beleive her cholesterol is fine (and if I'm wrong and it is, it won't be for long). I would bet £100 that she will be diabetic within 2 years. I'd also bet £100 that she is 25 stone plus by Christmas. I'd be happy to be wrong.