VIP Member
FS Alan
I was under the impression that she fell pregnant when they first met, she said she wasn't on contraception and they didn't use a condom, then she went on the pill. So she's either been pregnant the whole time of the pill has failed...or she's talking shite?
I've never been on the pill for the simple fact I know I'd forget to take it but any other contraception I've used I've always had to do a pregnancy test first? They ask when your last period was and when u last had sex so if there's a slight chance u take a test first. Is it not the same for the pill?
when i was on the pill a few years back i never had to take a pregnancy test but there is 2 different types of the pill so maybe you do on the other one? I was asked all the questions though. There is a lot of holes in this baby story. SR has the mentality of a child & i hope for her sake she has some involvement with people able to help her because she will get no help from that beasty bleep, he will just make her mental state even worse!