Does anyone know what age Denise is?
Late 30's..... 36/37Does anyone know what age Denise is?
This one would give you a laugh - she has zero tact. She’s always so desperate to show off her ‘endorsements’ (does anyone else notice this?) that in her stories she shares a DM from the shop owner saying that sales are ‘flying’ and then asking when can she pick up all the dresses that Denise has been trying on Hardly surprising that Denise wears the clothes just for Instagram hauls and the gives the rags back to the shop and then uses said ad money to buy tacky Versace trainers.
Also she always seems to be flogging that water company. I love her complete lack of awareness evidenced by the fact she didn’t have the gumption to wear a mask & ask the guy from the water company to wear a mask while they were both indoors and standing beside each other. I’m not the Covid please but you’d think her working for the NHS she’d have more cop on!
Couldn't agree more, she took all the NHS freebies, yet she went private to have baby and she never wore a mask, even at the check up she posted a pic of him sitting in waiting room with his mask off! Now she mother earth with all the breastfeeding posts!Her compliance to any guidelines were atrocious right from the start - even worse that she works for the NHS and should know better
let’s not forgot the amount of freebies she got during the pandemic for being a ‘hardworking’ member of the NHS
Her breaching covid rules to have a my wedding is cancelled pity party - she isn’t the only one who it impacted in that way. The one that she called people out as haters for even questioning it.
And then when she finally caught COVID from all her shenanigans and parties the overwhelming outpourings of gifts from businesses to help her through isolation and recovery.
I know people who worked on the frontline throughout, contracted COVID in their line of duty and been very badly impacted. Two in particular now dealing with the life changing impacts of long COVID
She strikes me as someone who works in the NHS purely for the title and benefits it brings.
She makes a big fuss every now and again about being an occupational therapist and how hard she works.
I would hate to ever have myself or any of my family need her services. As I can just imagine her being the most uncaring person you could meet, flouncing around with a huge sense of entitlement with no desire to help anyone but herself.
Neither of them even had the manners or courtesy to wear a mask when the child was being brought home from hospital
What happened I missed thisOoh someone’s cage is rattled on stories
What happened I missed this
She wasn’t happy when asked yesterday to be less mumsy “unfollow please”she’s often rattled doesn’t take much … she clenches her teeth more and talks like mistress being condescending when she is really rattled
I couldn't agree more, can you imagine the amount of actual freebies she will tag come christening day.Imagine not even buying your own child’s christening gown! Everything is an ad. It’s vile.
That’s his child I think she mentioned at Christmas on her stories.Mid pandemic .. crying her eyes out about the in jeopardy wedding plans, probably more annoyed that momentum of original wedding build up was lost along with potential wedding freebies!
That baby is the next money maker freebie grabber.
Does he already have a child or is that her niece that always features?
Don’t think it’s ever been made that clear always just segwayed into being a family affairThat’s his child I think she mentioned at Christmas on her stories.
For someone who “works“ Iin a healthcare setting she hasnt a titter of wit as my Nan Wouk have said:Should she not know it’s Calpol not calpul????
I couldn't agree more! She's an adult fashion blogger yet keeps writing post as if it was the child speaking! She's very hard to watch lately.She really does come across as a bit dim The use of the word ‘wee’ everywhere is just total cringe. There’s definitely beef with the family for her story yesterday on the wedding they weren’t going to but she wasn’t ‘going into that here ‘ I’d say she’s hard work and maybe for some just best avoided. The ego seems to be huge … it’s like no one else has ever had a baby or breastfed before and her page is toe curling for the way she poses is what a 12 year old on Snapchat wouldn’t be at, I’d say she absolutely loves herself
I also thought it must have been a typo...until she typed it a second & third time like thisShould she not know it’s Calpol not calpul????