That video has attention writing all over it, not saying what happened with her grandad wouldn’t effect her mentally, of course it would, but I don’t think it’s how she’s trying To make it in the video, saying that it was the worst 3 months of her life, yet her videos back then, she’s made it sound like it’s some virus you get that goes away, and I call bullshit on the therapy, I’m in Scotland so correct me if I’m wrong and it’s different there, but you don’t just get handed therapy here after suffering from something for so little time, I myself, I suffer from ocd and ptsd and I’m housebound completely due to it, I cannot leave the house at all, and I’ve been this way for 4 years now, and for a long time because I wasn’t diagnosed therapy wasn’t easy to get, as it’s just a thing so many people suffer with, and they’re simply isn’t enough to go around sadly, I’ve Only recently started speaking to someone, yet know with everything going on, it’s stopped again, but it wasn’t easy to get the help because how stretched they are, I feel her video makes it sound like she’s the only person in the world to suffer from it and that it’s some sort of virus you take and goes away in a couple of months, sad she feels the need to exaggerate it for attention, and surely if it was as bad as she’s claiming, she wouldn’t have been acting the way she did through lockdown, she followed 0 rules, put everyone in her household and outside it at risk of spreading it, to see her boyfriend and then come back again, if she really was that bad, surely she’d wanna do everything in her power to avoid putting anyone at risk of catching this and dying, not going around like you where invisible and having little worry for who your harming going around the way she has been.