I feel quite sorry for Demi, I think she must be under a huge amount of pressure, she can't take any form of criticism which makes me worry about her ability to cope and her resilience in general. Resilience is probably the most important skill a person can have, not having it can lead to a life time of problems and unhappiness and she's clearly unhappy with her lot. She spoke today about not being able to do right for wrong and she feels attacked but her attitude is careless, not just towards herself but others and she is continually goading people into these negative responses.
A person who is happy in themselves and content with their life doesn't do this. If my work involved this level of animosity or public scorn I wouldn't do it, why? Because I'm generally content and I would weigh up the pros and cons and honestly would probably pack it in. Is it worth it?
I'm sick and tired of saying it and I'm sure she feels the same reading it, but if she continues to be reactive to her followers and treat them with such contempt, then I'm afraid being an influencer will not have any longevity. She takes takes takes from her viewers when it suits her but can't listen and respond in a civilised manner when it doesn't.