Delusive Angie #2 Wine wine and more wine hello police I’d like to report a crime

she is really getting on my nerves

like others have said, blindly defending alfie (who, by the way, HOW THE duck IS HE EARLY 20s?! he’s 50 and you can’t tell me otherwise) and saying now she won’t talk about it for his mental health … i’m sorry?! what about the HUNDREDS of people you put on blast all over your platform?? absolute joke
Why is miss baguette live suggesting she’s ’coming clean’ did Angie make out the SH was due to her?

oh it was just her and fact freak trolling
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She’s an arse hole & I have no sympathy for her. If it was anyone else she would be the same. She is a victim shamer & she never believes women in ANY situation. All she ever cares about is people mentioning her dead Dad, who I can probably imagine would be ashamed to death of her if he could witness her behaviour. She’s an absolute piss can, she treats her mother appalling & she shouldn’t be allowed the attention or money she gets from TT.
Erm …..
