Didn’t know Davinia had a thread on here, as a new Willpowders customer it’s been good reading all your comments thank you, I am in the desperate category unfortunately, lots of weight to lose but have been sensible with my ordering. I am using Ancient & Brave MCT oil and will continue to do so as it’s in an amber glass bottle (like EVOO it’s meant to help preserve the oil’s qualities better), I did get the chocolate Willpowders thing and I will use it up so as to not waste money but the taste of stevia is horrendous, I’ve been off sweeteners for years now and actively avoid them, thought oh ok it’s only stevia I’ll try it but I just can’t bear it. What is really working for me from Willpowders though are the Calm tablets, wow, what a God send. I have six diagnosed mental health issues and have resisted medication all my life probably when I shouldn’t have but I’m terrified to take them but the Calm tablets, honestly, wow. I hope they keep helping me. Things I’d go bonkers about or start crying about didn’t bother me at all last week. I feel much more in control of myself. Next thing I’d like to try is the Ah-ha and maybe the oestrogen detox but going to speak to my Dr as don’t want to take too many different things. The comment further bacj about the girl dying cos she’d screwed her liver has given me a wake up call.