Is she still off Instagram? I can’t find her. I’ve just watched someone in the US cover her recovery on insta, who had essentially exactly the same procedure as well as a breast uplift and the recovery was night and day difference and the scarring was so minimal. Like worlds apart. I can’t believe what a mess they made of her. Something went wrong surely? The surgeon must have misjudged how much skin he was cutting off. She couldn’t breathe or stand up straight for such a long time. This other women had no breathing issues and was standing upright after 1 week. But it’s the scarring I can’t believe. The US ladies you can tell her scar will literally be nothing in weeks. Dani’s going to be living with her scars forever. What a mess. It’s so sad when people have these procedures that some ladies can have such different results. I think the standard of everything in the US is far more advanced than here anyway. But it sucks for the women who think they’re going to have a good result and experience. I hope she’s ok. Why would she leave Insta?