Hi, pleased I found this, I can finally voice my opinions without fear of backlash from the Narc that is DW.
I think I came across him when he had around 20k on Tik tok, truly I bought into his vision which makes me want to vom now! I like to think I have a good judge of character, clearly not! But I truly loved the idea of funding school meals and ending homelessness so I ended up signing up, i really wanted to be a part of that! at first liked it, I was dropping CM and all was good, it very quickly changed focus from 80/20 to the DW show, I didn't sign up to fund someone else's pipe dream of fame and fortune. It was around the same time as the first negative videos started coming out and I quickly realised what I had signed up to, those poor women
the DJ died click bait was the final straw for me. I joined amelia's group, left the Academy and deleted my payment details, I was so sad Amelia felt she had to shut the group down because she was bullied into it by DW! Amelia, if you're here we should set that back up x
I didn't find the "Academy" great at all I found that if your face didn't fit you got barely any response, same in the lives.
I actually feel sorry for DJ because he is clearly being taken advantage of and its only a matter of time before he's dropped as for CJ she's just vile.
The way I have seen him try to destroy others makes my blood boil, he's nothing but a bully! The great thing is this time is he's struggling to gloss over all the negative reviews and it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashing down again, I just feel sorry for all the vulnerable people caught in the cross fire!