Exactly thisI think his “awakening” was a complete mental breakdown.
His delusions of self importance are just too huge, generally people who are spiritually aware see themselves like a grain of sand on a beach, part of something bigger and more than themselves.
Dan just seems to have a messiah complex.
100% this is a mental breakdown (likely compounded by his ongoing drug abuse). Shards of reality have somehow finally penetrated his shield of delusions and his ego can't take it.
A part of Dan is being forced to confront the fact that not only is he not some kind of hero or saviour, he is not even a minor "social media star"; in fact he is a total failure who can't even maintain a tiny following based on copying others. This has broken him in some way.
Dan's sole measure of value (including his own self-worth) is "fame." He measures this in terms of social media following or influence. He is now forced to confront the fact that his brief pop on tt a couple years ago was nothing more than a random flash in the pan. He has nothing of value to offer anyone, least of all any sort of informative or even entertaining content on social media. His fragile ego (thus far masked by his narcissism and protected by his delusions of grandeur) is being forced to confront this "grim" reality, and he doesn't like it one bit.
Hard to say what prompted this piercing of his "armour". Sheer passage of time with his constant ongoing failure? Maybe Sam or others are starting to ask hard questions? We can only imagine what sort of promises he might have made or to whom!
I agree with that commentary on social media following in general unfortunately lending credence as a perceived expert.
However Dan lacks intelligence, abs, followers, etc. He's actually very stupid. He did at one time have a certain sort of rough charisma which appealed to some but even that seems to have evaporated over time. Most of his "success" was random and he cannot replicate it no matter how desperately he tries.
He's a moron. A buffoon. He surrounds himself with IQs much lower to bluff them. He attracts people with some phony passion that is readily
To be fair
Ironically the strongest community he has created is everyone here who cannot stand him.
If you spout enough guff you’ll be right occasionally. That seems to be Dan’s methodology.
He just another failed Jim Jones wannabe cult leader. As he lacks any actual credentials he has to be perceived to have something people want. So all this awakening stuff will just be his next play.
80-20 he tried to hook people in with a “community of legends” to help they lose weight. With the Ren stuff it was a “community of monsters” to fill a social void for people. He’s already stated he wants to make an actual commune for addicts, so I half expect his next big thing to involve helping with addiction. He’ll always need some vulnerability to exploit.
Ironically the strongest community he has created is everyone here who cannot stand him.
Do you reckon its that calculated? Desperate? Both?
I think it is both tbh.
Smells like sheer desperation to me. He has burned so many bridges... zero ability to obtain any "normal" job, even if he wanted to. Zero work ethic. Zero ongoing online scamming ability, thanks in large part to our efforts here.
His ongoing comfortable existence is now largely dependent on the goodwill of Sam and maybe his long lost father. Maybe. On some gut level he must know this is a very precarious position especially for someone as unstable and difficult as himself.
Way to accurate for me not to postDon't leave me Sam I'm mental. ILL KILL MYSELF