I have just finished listening to that series "A very British cult" after hearing the clips that were posted on here recently! There are so many similarities, the language Paul Waugh uses, some of the things the organisation did to ex members and their partners (contacting their place of work, making threats, stalking etc.), the gaslighting.. whoa man.
It's so obvious Dan's ultimate goal was/is to lead a cult, he wants nothing other than to be worshipped and doted upon. 8020 it didn't quite make it to the same level as Lighthouse in terms of it's success/how much money they swindled off people, but it wasn't far off and if it wasn't for his sheer stupidity and addiction problems (as well as the supreme efforts of TCHQ) who knows how far it could have gone.
I know he's not very good at much, but he has been pretty good at brainwashing and manipulating people over the years to hand over their cash, for absolutely nothing in return, making them think he was the answer to all their problems and that he was their saviour... "All I do is change lives" was his favourite tag line after all.
Disturbing tit. Well worth a listen!