I have joined Tattle purely for this thread…
which I didn’t even know existed until she’s just posted about it - thanks Ella! I absolutely cannot express my hatred for this woman enough. She is a horrific Mum, she’s horrible to others! A couple of weeks ago I saw someone call her out on her behaviour about other people’s jobs… talk about saying what everyone is thinking! Brilliant. It’s vile how she thinks she is better than everyone else such as receptionists and too important to clean her own house hence having a cleaner. I’m unsure why that’s necessary because she doesn’t do anything so she could easily just do it herself. That time she intentionally made a GP receptionist feel like something she’d trodden in was vile just because she wasn’t getting her own way and getting Freddie seen, probably because the GP surgery are fed up with her as she may as well live there the amount her neglectful behaviour clearly makes her kids constantly poorly! Speaking of Freddie and neglect - anyone else noticed the poor kid’s nappy constantly bulging and full to the brim cause she can’t be bothered to get up and change him?
I’m so glad this thread exists, maybe more people will come here now that she’s drawn attention to it herself. She loves the fact she’s being talked about or she wouldn’t post about it… same way she always feeds the trolls on her stories as well - she loves it!