Covid Symptoms

Hi, has anyone’s young children tested positive for Covid and if so, what were their symptoms?
My 19mth old has had diarrhoea the last few days and was sick yesterday morning and today my 3yr old has had diarrhoea. They don’t have a temperature or any other symptoms and seem fine in themselves. They’re both eating and drinking although they didn’t eat much a few days ago but I just put it down to toddler fussiness and a possible tummy bug (even though we haven’t been anywhere, not seen anyone and 3yr old isn’t in nursery and my older children not in school) but I’m wondering if it could be Covid?
Thank you
If you believe it isn't a tummy bug (because they haven't been anywhere to catch a bug), then how can it be covid?! Did you feed them something a bit funky?
If you believe it isn't a tummy bug (because they haven't been anywhere to catch a bug), then how can it be covid?! Did you feed them something a bit funky?
Haha! Good point - I’m clearly paranoid. A year ago I would’ve just put it down to a tummy bug but now I can’t help but think it’s something else 🙈 be glad when this bloody pandemic is over!
No I thought about that too, they’ve eaten stuff they’ve had before so who knows 🤷‍♀️
My next door neighbour got covid whilst at work he had to stay in hospital 2 weeks and now back home hiding in his house. I haven't seen him since December. But he rang telling me whats happened i when talking he was out of breath. His symptoms was hot chest, breathless lost of taste n smell. He still gets breathless n very tried. Can't do simple things. N now he doesn't like to drink coffee as his taste buds have changed. Couldn't believe it when he told me and he got the jab but cause of his job he could of already caught it.
Yes my husband did. He did a lateral flow and pcr on same day. Lateral flow was negative and pcr was positive 🤷‍♀️
Thank you... I’ve had negative LF tests on Sunday and yesterday... lost sense of smell and taste last night and feel shite today. Been for PCR but wondered if it was possible to be positive for covid after the negative LFT yesterday!
Thank you... I’ve had negative LF tests on Sunday and yesterday... lost sense of smell and taste last night and feel shite today. Been for PCR but wondered if it was possible to be positive for covid after the negative LFT yesterday!
Yes I don’t think the LF are always accurate. Hope you feel better soon x
I caught covid mid January (lots of us at work came down with it). I had a headache that wouldn't go away with pain or sleep, sore armpits and a very spaced out/drunk feeling which lasted for 3 weeks. I still have no taste or smell but other than that I am fine.
I caught covid mid January (lots of us at work came down with it). I had a headache that wouldn't go away with pain or sleep, sore armpits and a very spaced out/drunk feeling which lasted for 3 weeks. I still have no taste or smell but other than that I am fine.
Someone on here recommended to me a sinus rinse (from Amazon) when I had the loss of taste and smell and it helped so much. Might be worth a try if you haven’t already :)
I don’t suppose anyone who had it a few months ago now has white lines across your nails? I found a case study online when looking for causes of these white horizontal lines that mees lines appeared in a COVID patient