I am sick to death of this fucking bollocks now!!!! People whinging that there’s more cases of covid? Well to course there is!! It’s winter and things are almost back to normal/nearly! I am sick of people telling me to get the vaccine, im pregnant and won’t get it and don’t plan on getting it after I’ve had my baby. Im sick of being referred to as ‘unvaccinated’ as if it’s some sort of crime!! All the scaremongering that is STILL going on, wanting to vaccinate children etc!! Load of bullshit!!! No way will my 3 year old be getting this!! I don’t even allow this flu nasal spray as he has an IMMUNE SYSTEM which needs to be built up. I have no issue with people who want to vaccinate their children, themselves etc! Just sick to death of being made to feel like this a crime if you don’t!! The world needs to move on!!!!