VIP Member
So they can prove that a vaccine saves a person, since when ? I’ve only ever seen it may have contributed to ,but never it was definitely because of !How is peer-reviewed scientific journals assumptions?
So they can prove that a vaccine saves a person, since when ? I’ve only ever seen it may have contributed to ,but never it was definitely because of !How is peer-reviewed scientific journals assumptions?
The vaccines are absolutely a risk and not one that we should be made to have by mandating them or having threats of being sacked from your job or denied entry to places. We have gotten ourselves into a complete mess with this vaxxed/unvaxxed nonsense with each side turning on each other when we should be putting our anger towards the governments that are enforcing and encouraging this. At what point are we done with this and if you want to get the vaccine then just make an appointment as you would with the flu vaccine, and let’s get on with our lives and move on from this. Or are we just going to carry on like this and eventually mandate vaccines, use vaccine passports and cut off the ones who won’t get it. Is that the kind of world you want to live in?Please read my previous posts again in terms of safety of all drugs and treatments - nothing in life is 100% without risk
So they can prove that a vaccine saves a person, since when ? I’ve only ever seen it may have contributed to ,but never it was definitely because of !
Im not going to argue about it its just something I noticed whenever someone says they have covid or a loved one died with or from covid. I've not seen the same the other way round.. it's just very noticeable.I have responded, surely you don’t keep watch over me to know. Many of the articles posted about deaths don’t state the cause of death … yet people attribute vaccines without even knowing.
But that doesn’t account for everyone you said yourself they’re not so how do they pick the people that were definitely saved by having it ? As opposed to how much damage the virus did naturally.If the vaccine reduces the severity of Covid-19 which could potentially lead to someone losing their life = saving their life.
But that doesn’t account for everyone you said yourself they’re not so how do they pick the people that were definitely saved by having it ? As opposed to how much damage the virus did naturally.
Exactly nothing concrete ! Lifestyle , health , age , race, sex all play a part so they can’t group everyone together in terms of effectivenessI know it doesn’t. I didn’t say it saves 100% of people. I guess they measure by those who would be at most risk such as the elderly/vulnerable/immunosuppressed.
Mandatory flu and Covid jabs !
There's already 100,000 staff deficit can they afford to add another 150,000 ! even if there is a 5 month reprieve could they fill those posts before next winter ? as they keep reminding us covid is going nowhere fast .I don't agree with it at all, but it's only fair they're treated the same as care staff.
The 5 months is interesting, they know that they need to get through winter and so many staff will walk, so I wonder if social care will get a reprieve short term?
The problem will still remain in that around 5mths a huge amount of staff will still leave. It might not be the 140,000 that would leave if they brought it in now for both sectors, but it won't be far off.
I hope they do u-turn on carers and come next year u-turn on this as well
No they can't. I think this has been an interesting test for them. They'll also be looking worldwide at industries that have been affected by mandating.There's already 100,000 staff deficit can they afford to add another 150,000 ! even if there is a 5 month reprieve could they fill those posts before next winter ? as they keep reminding us covid is going nowhere fast .
Apparently they're supposed to be 2 here before the years out but only for the old and vulnerable . The plan is for them to work alongside the vaccines for breakthrough cases if people test pos or are exposed to the virus, They're still going to keep jabbing until they turn it endemic they want healthcare workers to have the vaccines so they'll potentially only get a mild form of illness and be able to carry on their role once they decide that it's acceptable that enough of the population will have enough protection from vaccines and other treatments that's what the push is for those settings .No they can't. I think this has been an interesting test for them. They'll also be looking worldwide at industries that have been affected by mandating.
So many people haven't given in and I praise them for that!
They know that mandating firstly doesn't mean vaccine uptake, if anything it pushes people onto sticking their heels in futher.
Secondly, it has a knock on effect to the most vulnerable and poorer people in society.
I think we're lucky having the NHS for this reason. The government can't play with it, if we were private like other countries then it would be easier to push through.
We're back to wait and see now.....
Didn't we get told that the anti viral tablets would be due next year? I think then we'll see less pressure depending on the outcome of trials and less vaccine coercion.
I for one would be more than happy to take an anti viral if I got ill, and i think many people who are against the covid vaccine would as well. It seems a happy medium in my opinion
Breakthrough cases,? If they're exposed to it? Enough protection.. what's that from? The 67th booster? I actually laughed at thatApparently they're supposed to be 2 here before the years out but only for the old and vulnerable . The plan is for them to work alongside the vaccines for breakthrough cases if people test pos or are exposed to the virus, They're still going to keep jabbing until they turn it endemic they want healthcare workers to have the vaccines so they'll potentially only get a mild form of illness and be able to carry on their role once they decide that it's acceptable that enough of the population will have enough protection from vaccines and other treatments that's what the push is for those settings .
More muppets roped into selling kids the vaccines
Since when have they done that before? I don’t remember any of that when mine were watching it .They have vaccine propaganda on CBeebies every now and again amongst other woke nonsense pushed by the bbc.
Seen it a few times it’s always the same 2 presenters (can’t remember names) talking about mask wearing, hand sanitising and ‘staying safe’ and they have Dr ranj on every now and again talking about how great vaccines are.Since when have they done that before? I don’t remember any of that when mine were watching it .
My fav Ranj songSeen it a few times it’s always the same 2 presenters (can’t remember names) talking about mask wearing, hand sanitising and ‘staying safe’ and they have Dr ranj on every now and again talking about how great vaccines are.
Seen it a few times it’s always the same 2 presenters (can’t remember names) talking about mask wearing, hand sanitising and ‘staying safe’ and they have Dr ranj on every now and again talking about how great vaccines are.
Cute. Does she develop myocarditis and end up in hospital for a few weeks? Don’t worry though kids, it’s very treatable.