So let me get this straight sorry. She’s posting about “what I eat to gain lean muscle” and yet saying she’s put on weight but “duck it”? So is the weight gained the lean muscle? Because that should not be a “duck it” for her that should be a “yay!” And if it isn’t lean muscle then that whole post she did is just wrong? I’m confused.
She either doesn't understand nutrition or she doesn't understand training. It is not possible to gain muscle without gaining weight. Muscle weighs more than fat for a start. Looking at her, I can't see that she has any lean muscle gains. You need a surplus in calories to gain muscle and you will also naturally increase body fat (thats why you go through a cutting phase), but also you need progressive overload which she doesn't do and she does way too much HIIT, so scientifically I cant see how she would be gaining lean muscle. ONLY a brand new beginner would see lean muscle gains with out a calorie surplus.