My son (8) had to start isolating on Friday after contact with a teacher who tested positive.
I took him for a test Sunday night, he had no covid symptoms (a slight sore throat which he has regularly as he struggles with his tonsils. No temp, cough or anything else. He was fine). I suffer with pretty bad health anxiety, especially after losing my mum in a pretty horrific way last year, so did it for my own peace of mind really. I logged on to the site at 6PM and there were dozens of tests in several local locations so they weren't short and I didn't take anything that was limited, just before anyone tells me off too
My husband and daughter continued to go to school and work as normal. The school and work confirmed that this was the right thing, no one else needed to isolate. We have been super careful during the pandemic and I would never risk my child or anyone else's.
This afternoon my son has developed a headache/stomachache/nausea. He was sick this evening and developed a temp of 38c. I'm worried sick!
I called 119 and had a telling off for my husband and daughter going to work and school. Please bare in mind my son had zero symptoms this morning, my reason for his test was my own anxiety. But now I'm so glad that I did it.
I'm anxiously awaiting the result. Has anyone here had a child test positive? If so how did it go, how were they?
Bless you. I hope his test comes back negative for your peace of mind. I don’t care how many people tell me ‘children aren’t affected’ blah blah, I would rather if my child wasn’t sick with anything thank you very much.
The regulations are so skewed from region to region that no one actually knows what the ‘right’ thing to do is. My understanding, as a teacher, is that only those who have come into direct contact with an infected person should self isolate. So in my mind, you have done nothing wrong. Good luck and let us know how it goes. X