I've had to stop looking at my local Facebook group. It started off quite amusing but gah the curtain twitching outrage is overwhelming. It's like the first week of Neighbourhood Watch on steroids.
I understand that there are people defiying the government instructions but there also so many people innocently following the guidelines - quietly having their daily exercise or doing their best to whilst support vulnerable family members/friends and getting absolutely lynched for it. It's giving me the rage.
I know exactly what you mean fb double edged sword for sure.
The notion of be kind always you never know what someone's going through is long gone it's relentless judgement/ guilt.
I had go chemist yesterday pick up prescription it seemed busy with so many people exercising.
I wondered if the government have strategy of specific % of people to stay at Home to have affect and that the idiots breaking the rules are maybe a minority but seen worse and like there's more if them because on social media and news peppers keep focussing on say the 10% breaking the rules
Feeling negative and down past few days.
Been trying to stay postive
The news is very bleak and I am deeply anxious about getting the virus or any of my family.
As I work in food retail I am classed as keyworker and I am taking all the precaution I can in work.
In other news America stole pp masks from Asia destined for Germany and the German government have accused USA of piracy and protectionism.
This is on top of don't send Canada ventilators and trying make sure America's 1st in queue for vaccine.
I mean OMG poor American citizens he's handled this crisis so badly.
Looks like Debenhams and cath kidston going into administration.
Sad as did my wedding list at Debenhams and had fab service from reading Debenhams at Xmas when shopping although my nearest is very tired looking these days.
I have freind who works for landlords to negociate rents.
Many businesses asking rent breaks and reduced rents plus they have a break on rates.
Makes me wonder after all this is over how many shops will reopen I foresee UK losing a few well known names.
A close freinds been asked to take 5% paycut so they can keep the company going.
The financial effects if the virus is worrying.
Halifax granted us a mortage break so we saving that money as who knows if governing guarantee longer than 80% or how long restrictions/ lockdown will go on.