VIP Member
It’s so tough. My son has adhd and has never been diagnosed with autism despite us pushing but he definitely has autistic traits and I worry about getting him back to school. He’s violent when he’s anxious so that’s obviously a concern for me being at home weeks on end. He’s going through the ehcp process and one of the things on there was about developing his empathy (from the Ed psych) which is something he desperately needs help with. I do my best but I’m not an expert. I know there are others in worse situations but it doesn’t diminish ours and it will be really hard. I keep telling myself in two years it’ll be a distant memory ....I know how you feel. My biggest boy was due to graduate nursery in June. He has autism and we already miss out on a lot of things other children get to do, but to think that he won’t get the whole graduation thing is very upsetting. He loves nursery and his teachers, and it’s helped him so much. It’s a big step in your child’s life and we all have memories of finishing nursery and being a “big” boy or girl. I was already worried about him starting primary school, now I just feel sick at the thought of him getting thrown in at the deep end with no preparation, visits etc. He doesn’t cope well with changes. I was crying about it all last night.