
The guy is the ‘in plain sight’ type. Why on earth would this be the best way to teach your kids about judgment and resilience? It’s all just a cover up. He is exploiting his kids for money (and dare I say his own perverted reasons… the guy gives me the creeps)

He seems like a narcissist to me. I can’t imagine Katie has much choice in all of this.
Definitely gives me the creeps too. I’ve mentioned on here before that there’s a lot of references from himself and the girls, especially Kiki, about his Willy. So many alarm bells on their “research into communal living “ holiday too. I do not like him one bit.

The whole thing is reminiscent of the saccone joly family. The live in a big house, plenty of money, using their kids by making money, encourage their kids to interact with strangers, dad says and acts inappropriately with the kids
I just had them come up on my fyp with their morning live and I just had a look at their page for the first time and I’m actually horrified at the likes of people they have following/commenting! Do they not monitor their comments and delete etc! I always get weird vibes from them when I come across them especially the dad, he’s posted this video of the youngest showing of the pants she’s drew at school and she’s drew a bubble tea on it that looks like something very innapropriate and this is one of the comments on the post…

They’ve liked other comments on the post so why are they not noticing these vile comments aimed towards their children, makes you think are things being filmed/posted at request 😔


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I find this family so deeply unsettling - its a shame the thread isn't bigger, but I guess it shows that they don't really hold much influence or attention so with any luck he'll give it up.

His recent rants about Tiktok stopping a live before the end because one of the girls was in a crop top and then the amount of pen!s references turned my stomach quite frankly.

He can try and argue his point as much as he likes, but he never really makes a good one. Because its so transparant to anyone with half a brain that this is a man desperate to go viral, live off content of his kids with no regard to their wellbeing, becuase he is desperate for cash to keep up what is probably a very expensive life.

Whilst social media is going no where, I very much doubt that it will be the way it is now when his children are adults. People are already more aware of the dangers of no privacy, We will probably look back on the last decade of social media in the same way we do with most things - shocked at what we thought was appropriate.

To say every one is judged and that its teaching them a lesson in life - please!! These girls are too young to be confronted by other peoples opinions of them, they do not have the emotional maturity to handle the internet or social media which is why they woudn't actually be allowed to have their own accounts. People might be judging you now - but its very rare that you would be confronted with that opinion offline. And to be honest the only reason anyone is "judging him right now" or vaguely intereste din him is because he is a bad parent. He might not seem it, because they present this nice little middle class Henley life, but he is hiding behind that privilige. They remind me of the McCanns. The media completely overlooking that they made a catastrophicly bad decision leaving her, because they are middle class. Whereas if a working class single mum had gone out drinking doing the same thing there would have been uproar. They're the same. If they weren't presenting this posh couple one of them a teacher, they would have been questioned much more. They are no better than other mum influencers that expolit their kids and get a let of backlash - they just think they are. In fact I'd say they are worse, because they have options. Campo could be running a bigger company with his connections and skills - he coud have a well paid job - they have plenty of options and connections they do not need to be so desperate.

I don't know if anyone has followed her, there was a TikTok insta influencer called 'I'm the problem ' her account blew up at the beginning of the year with her storytelling - have a look if you haven't seen her - very entertaining (and not one sign of her kids - she relies on her own personality!) . She did a post earlier today, which made me think of him. She doesn't want to do content creation anymore - its time consuming and an empty life. You'll have to go listen, but I thought it was spot on and an excellent example of someone who really understands social media, how to use it and when to stop.

Sorry but desperate Campo looks more and more stressed, unhealthy and miserable to me and the constant overlooking of what is really going on, who his real audience is and what this is really doing to his girls is showing on his face which is why no one buys in to it on a big scale.
What a good post. I’m sure there are lots of other families like this but as I know these people (and dislike them) they resonate with me. His recent post about how happy his children are just seems like he’s trying to constantly convince himself he’s doing the right thing for them, when he is actually just a lazy man exploiting his children. They won’t be happy to be filmed like this when they are teenagers. I don’t think children should be doing reviews of toilets either - it’s just weird. I hope he gets pulled up on this properly soon as it’s really not right.
Remember a while ago after Katie sadly let her mum, and that twit felt it was appropriate to share him telling the two older girls? He got backlash, then proceeded to film the girls AGAIN, to ask if they minded this being filmed and shared with a bunch of strangers. They both nervously agreed it was fine, despite not having the capacity to consent.
On a parr with that, he decide that it was appropriate to film Kiki when she was ill and off school, crying and asking for her mum. Such odd behaviour. I can liken it to me being a child, and having chicken pox. My mum took a photo of me with it. Who saw that photo? No one, except my parents and siblings. Poor Kiki had god knows how many weirdos watching her.
Then they’re off again with their restaurant reviews… this time a family members place. It’s not an honest review, it can’t be, as they’re biased. They were hardly going to say “The menu wasn’t varied, the children chicken burgers tasted like an own brand supermarket frozen one, and it didn’t have a good atmosphere as the place was empty!” is he???
The clip he’s shared from a recent live of Kiki… she’s coming across as a brat and he’s just gormlessly taking it. I think the reason Katie comes across as bossy is because he seems to do zero discipline. I’d be mortified if my child spoke to me like this! The fact he let her carry on, and then shared it it is ridiculous. She will look back on that clip and be embarrassed.
there’s someone on their lives called something giraffe. I think she’s a moderator. Their mods are so uppity and are so awful to anyone who isn’t licking campo arse! Anyway the giraffe 🦒 woman has a private page… they interact with her like she’s a mate, and encourage the kids to. Yet she could be anyone! Baffling
Does anyone know if Kiki is deaf, or has hearing issues?
How is Katie not mortified by his awful dancing?? He does that awful, cringy two hand pointing in the air dancing, then either has an open mouth, or bites his lip. He also wears those awful air Jordan’s, with his jeans tucked into the top, along with his shirt open.
Katie always dresses really nicely, and considering she’s a dancer, I bet she’s super embarrassed!!

Also, they seems to have forgotten that they want to be sustainable and living in a cult community. Their content is zero to do with any of that! It would make them more unique and watchable if they were. Aside from a few bits from Vinted, they buy lots of expensive new clothes (which is better than buying cheap clothes) and they buy a lot off Amazon (campo told Katie off for this, but also does it!) Aside from that, what else? They are always driving everywhere for gym/dance etc. eat out a lot, are currently on holiday and there’s zero content about what they claim is their core! Aside from not buying palm oil peanut butter!
As far as I know she has no hearing problems but I’m not in his inner circle thank goodness so not sure.

Why do they do these weird clothes reveal things? He then makes a big thing each time about not knowing where it’s from. Weird.

The trip they did was basically just a holiday which they even tried to get everyone to pay for. It’s actually embarrassing. I imagine he’s forgotten about the point of it now. They are scroungers. Last Xmas katie posted saying she has forgotten to buy xyz for one of them for Xmas and does anyone have one she can have - it was still a few days before Xmas so plenty of time for her to have bought one if she had wanted to.
What a toxic group of people they have on their lives EVERYDAY. I’m in hospital and saw some of their live yesterday and today. It shocks me still that they do this DAILY, and basically force their daughters to say “hello to everyone”. The little one said no multiple times and he kept saying “come on indie bug, people are asking to see you” Yes, campo, a load of strangers watch your young daughters!
There were comments such as the children can’t consent, and why are you showing your children sitting, legs wide, with very short shorts on”. He of course ignored them and his minions arr stupidly saying “of course they can consent” anytime anyone asks a questions that’s not sucking up to them, their mods (I think all from the US) jump on them. It’s odd.
I also can’t believe how much they eat. Yes, it’s good to have a good breakfast but they seem to go ott. One had 6 weetabix!! The little one had a watermelon, banana on toast and yoghurt and fruit.
They’re so out of touch with reality. Advertising an electric bike (that they’ve clearly been given for free) To buy, they’re between £1500-£1700! Not many people have that to spare, there are still many families who are just about feeding their Kids and not able to afford to feed themselves. Yet, here is Campo, completely out of touch with anyone outside of the Henley clan
They borrowed a Tesla and are all about sustainability but she turned up in a massive 4x4.

He doesn’t care about anything. When he went to that film preview he got the name of the film wrong. In this he got the range for the bike wrong. They’ll just sell it for the money.
Where do they make their money
I think Katie came from a rich family (I believe her mum was a doctor) and I also think campos family have money too.
I can’t see them being as rich as their friends, but put up the pretence they are! They don’t own their house, and I’d be surprised if they own the cars!
Katie is a teacher in a secondary school, but also works at a dance school, so not a high salary. Campo likes to describe himself as a film maker, but he’s ran multiple companies into the ground, and now uses his young girls to record and make money from. Hes always saying how many years he’s tried to get the audience number he gets by filming his girls from the moment they wake up. Regardless of their mood.
First time commenting but I find Campo utterly creepy and it’s so wrong to film his kids constantly
There are quite a few of us on this thread who whole heartedly agree! I thought more people would be calling him out, but I guess the only positive to that not happening, is that he’s not well known enough (despite him wanking over the daily views of pervs watching his kids each morning, and requesting to see certain children of they’re not on screen at the time!)

Recently he was going on about them getting slack with their new dance of the week, despite them online doing it a handful of times. ALL the kids said they didn’t want to do it, and hated videoing in their local town. He laughed and said it was cute and basically that’s what they’d be doing. He’s a creepy, fame obsessed, fake narcissist who needs to get a job that actually supports his family, rather than videoing his children for money
One of their videos came up on my fyp (even tho I don’t follow them) of taba doing gymnastic, by the pool in a bikini. That sentence alone, without any further description, tells you that it shouldn’t be the kind of video you’d share with strangers.

This was one of the comments…

“her bf is soo dam lucky BTW they seem to b the perfect size”

Another “nice view”

Those comments have been up for days and he hasn’t removed them, or ideally the video!! It’s also been saved over 200 times. So, 200+ strangers have saved a video of a young girl in a bikini, spreading her legs.
