Richard Herring gets my hackles right up. He makes me deeply deeply uncomfortable in a way I cannot properly put into words.
I listen to RHLSTP for the guests but it can be a challenge - I'm pretty sure I've wibbled on about him earlier in this thread.
In recent years (probably because of his wife's strong personal views) he announces quite regularly in his podcast that he's a 'feminist'.
Don't hate many celebrities at all but I'd put him a category of 'nearly as bad as Russell Brand'. He really gives me the ick. Something sleazy about him. Add a chip on the shoulder (barely-concealed envy hidden with 'oh-I'm-just-kidding') and, for me, he's podcast poison.
(A few years ago I mentioned I disliked RH on another UK forum, and in not such strong language as on Tattle as that's the etiquette there, and this member came out of the blue who totally had the hump and hit me with a
barrage of butthurt comments. Didn't realise RH had flying monkeys and it's not as if he's some sort of comedic genius: there's nothing stan-able about him).
edit: Though, my sister loves Peter Kay and in passing I said I felt he was a bit of a one-trick pony (Cookdandbombd regularly had tales of him sabotaging other comedians' sets, nicking their jokes - also mentioned on the Secret Celebrity Gossip thread recently - and re-releasing the same old
tit routine again and again under different names / packaging. Basically ripping off his fans. Have to take CnB's word for the DVD release allegation as I'm not aware of any of that). She got really
angry with me - ha - so some fans do revert to that weird possessiveness when challenged. Even my sister, who should know better!
That bloody '
Garlic bread' routine really winds me up. Think PK fans see him as cuddly, lovable and man of the people, or something.