Cole & Abbie #10

If Cole refuses to carry and the three eggs they’ve used of hers aren’t sticking, surely the next logical thing is to use Abbie’s own eggs and just do direct IVF. I know the baby won’t be genetically Cole’s, but Hudson isn’t biologically Abbie’s and they raise Abbie’s two existing children, so it shouldn’t be a big issue.
If Cole refuses to carry and the three eggs they’ve used of hers aren’t sticking, surely the next logical thing is to use Abbie’s own eggs and just do direct IVF. I know the baby won’t be genetically Cole’s, but Hudson isn’t biologically Abbie’s and they raise Abbie’s two existing children, so it shouldn’t be a big issue.
It’s not what Cole wants though and it’s always about what Cole wants.
I'm really surprised they are still trying for another baby, was Abbie not meant to be really sick and in pain for her entire pregnancy with Hudson?! Yet she is happy to go through it all again so soon with 3 other kids to be cared for. It's like the Handmaids Tale or something.
I don't follow these two but seems IVF has overtaken their lives.
I can't understand why they dont slow down and appreciate the kids they have
They will stop at nothing to have another baby
Sharing every private moment and test not waiting for the safe period to pass
No matter if there Well enough to do so .
I see they r in Ibiza with Cherine and BPerfect. Few weeks ago Cole said she was trying to change her clothes a bit and she looked so different. Now she gets Abbie to get her holiday clothes and you van tell she isn't to chuffed or Is that an act for fb
Seen a video on Cherines TikTok of them walking back to the hotel after dinner. Of course Cole has to be holding Abbys hand. They look so uncomfortable being in other people’s company.