Coffee.and.curves lovinglifeandlattes

She’s changed her name hopefully the next surgery she has is a personality transplant . The woman is a monstrosity a vile individual with no regard to anybody except herself . When people message her I really feel sorry for them because the responses they get are just so horrible . I’m amazed she hasn’t got at least 50 + threads about her .
Yes you have to report it to trading standards at Ealing council which is where she lives and "operates" but she seems careful not to have too much in the flat at once.. probably so she don't get caught but they are good at stealthing when to catch dickheads like her. They have seizure powers too wouldnt it be bleeping hilar if they seized her phone 🤣🤣🤣🤣

All her bleeping moaning about the cheap tit from boohoo.. what does she honestly expect when people are in countries working for a pittance to make them. If she wants clothes to fit properly then shop properly spend your money.

She has so much wrong with her attitude I could go on all day.

[email protected]

How do you contact a mod to get the thread changed?
I had to do a double take 🤣


  • Screenshot_20220729-194246.png
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duck me. It’s Sharon from Eastenders!!! 😂😂
With a bit of Miss Piggy vibes chucked in for good measure.
She looks awful!!! She’s so try hard to convince everyone she feels fantastic. But her weight loss hasn’t actually done anything for her actual confidence, attitude or mental health. She has deep rooted issues. Its so obvious she is unhappy.
