Clemmie Telford #5 There once was an a-hole from Peckham who likes to buy houses and wreck’em

Those wrinkles for her age😱 I'm no dermatologist but girl please start using uva protection on a daily basis.


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I hate this. Either she was an addict or she was just a twit. This whole sober 4 years (feels like 27 if I’m honest Clem and you’ve certainly aged that much) is such a load of wank. You too can be sober like me.
And this

Not even her previous appalling taste could prepare me for the monstrosity of those utterly disgusting sinks. Who in their right minds would stick them on the wall???
They look like badly designed urinals 😂
I hate how she keeps describing herself as sober. I work with recovering addicts and unless she was an alcoholic, she really ought to be using ‘teetotal’ rather than sober. I know it’s just a word but it feels like she’s appropriating the awful struggle of addiction just to spice up her content for the gram and make her giving up drinking seem more interesting than it is. It’s not cool IMO. Making a tit of yourself on a bender and having beer fear the next day is not the same thing as addiction.
Or, if she genuinely did have a problem with drink, she should be honest about it rather than playing it down and filtering it for the middle class mummy likes.

This! I don’t drink so I just say I don’t drink. I would never refer to myself as sober as I have never struggled with alcohol or any of the connotations of the word sober.

She just wants attention and people to give her a pat on the head, but for what? Her husband probably told her she’s a twit when she drinks so she decided to stop.
That's one of the least practical bathrooms I have ever seen. Kids like to be cosy and there's plenty of space for a bath and a radiator to heat their towels in there. Wrecking her house all for likes on Insta.
The sober timeline makes me think about addiction rather than someone who doesn't drink for other reasons. But again gets her attention and likes on Instagram.
How on earth is she managing to make that house look like even more of an abandoned sanatorium/asylum than it did before she started renovating it? She has no interior design sense or any sort of feel for the style and period of the house, she’s just browsed Pinterest for the latest trends (and yet has still come up about 5 years out of date).

I can imagine it will be good for renting out to tv companies who do those ghost hunting shows in rundown old buildings when she’s finally finished though.


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