Yeah they've had it since the pandemic pretty much, but Claudia's seemed undecided as to wanting to keep the place private or not and she never really talked about it openly. (I presume Finneas wanted it as his secret spot.) It was when Lexie came over from New York that Lexie said "We're going from Claudia's house to her other house." that it sort of was introduced on youtube as being something Finneas owned. Also...they bought it when they were being temporarily preachy about "black lives matter" , and in that small 3 month window, white priviledge was super taboo, so she was probably embarrassed or worried about seeming insensitive in bragging about access to a 2nd home when families are stuck to quarantine in tiny apartments, you know?.
She just spoke in this podcast: and said that she's been struggling to feel interesting because she wants to have a private life, and doesn't always have something she wants to share on youtube since last fall, which is why she started to get into reading: to have something to talk about. I'm not sure how realistic it is to be a youtuber and want to have your life be private, but, ok! I also have trouble believing someone who craves the spotlight and is narcissistic as she is wanting to be low profile.