Yes!! And everything is pink and peach. WTH?
And were you watching when she was showing the dining table and I was thinking oh, that looks nice! And then she throws sheepskins across the top of each chair. Um, is that your napkin? Of course if anyone don’t know fashion like I do! I worked at Harrod’s!!
And that brown quilted thing under the stairs? Huh?
RANT: because sadly I’m still irked. Oh, I can’t see anything on insta because she blocked me. Actually I blocked her first (because I’ve been reduced to 12 year old girl pettiness) and no way was she blocking me-so there!
I tried to be nice. I told her she could get through this pregnancy and she was stronger than she thought! Woman power! I gave her a quick story of my (not scary) birth and that my husband wasn’t there and in the end she will have a beautiful baby boy and that’s what’s most important!! Yeah me!! What the ever loving hell? She lost her mind. Literally lost her
tit. Said i told her the WORST story ever (um I’m pretty sure a c-section isn’t the worst thing that can happen) to a pregnant woman and age shamed me! She said repeatedly at my age (um I’m 49 and look younger
) I should know how to talk to a pregnant woman. You could tell she lost it because I had to sound out her message. It was illegible. Can she write?? Or spell??
And if I was her I would have def edited out totally being disappointed to be having a boy. Oh my gosh. That was terrible.