Of course that is definitely a valid point! Only pointed it out as I noticed all the messages and comments she replies to, she doesn’t reply to anybody of colour. This was what I meant by the post. And also noticed out of allllll the coloured influencers on Instagram and there is thousands !!!!! Chloe doesn’t follow any of them or associate with any of the twin / or other mums who are of colour. Just the ones who have nice houses & are white.
This is my personal opinion, every bodies allowed their own opinion
Also this thread is regarding Chloe not the other mums that’s why I’ve only mentioned her name, she was the main one who I’ve always followed as I do like her style for example her house the way she dresses the kids, gives me such ideas
But over the year I have followed her this is just one of the things I noticed, and ofc when you go through her following out the 2000 you will probably find 2/3 coloured people ?
Asha chohan is also from Hertfordshire like Chloe... she has 61K followers but I don’t see her in chloes following