Chloe Loves to Shop #3 Wearing an XXXS

Does Fran have a thread? I can’t believe she hosted a party for teenagers and under age drinkers and was saying they all drank a fair bit and there was puke. Utterly irresponsible.

I was shocked that she posted stories about cleaning up vomit etc. I get the vibe that Fran and her husband might have split up. I hope I'm wrong.
I'm not sure - she rarely posted about him in the past. But if so, Fran has been remarkably dignified about it - unlike DMBL40, who's so far off the rails she may as well be in space.
Oooooh, what's the goss with Kat? I know she divorced her husband. Was it not amicable?
I know I saw that. What a cheek. Also who would post that on the internet? Once you realised it was sent to you in error, would you not just give it to your neighbour rather then go through her things filming it?

Total sense of importance and entitlement
How can you not know if you've placed an order? :rolleyes:
AFTER OPENING the parcel how can you not realise it's not yours?
She has to be one of the most vapid instahuns around... and entitled and thoughtless and clueless. 🤷‍♀️
They don’t eat , the xxxxs is more important than health. I imagine the daughter doesn’t really want to be on hols with Chloe. Why didn’t the whole family go ? I would understand a short trip to Paris or something but a week in the sun with a teenager would be tough going.