Chloe and Beans

Yeah she really doesn’t have time to share the name at all…

I’m very surprised she was even in the hospital for baby to be born but glad she was there in this case as the caesarean seems like it was genuinely needed. I really thought she would have been having a homebirth!

I do think she will stop now, maybe if she had managed to have the 2VBA2C she would have had another baby but I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Excited to see what they have called her!
I find it very scarey that she was rushed into a c section, asleep (again) at 2 weeks late. If she was a different person I would feel sure she will stop now but it's her ...
I wonder what her doctor is rated, letting her go SO late with her bad record. (again)

the baby is mini Rufus .. wowww
Yup that’s a crash csection, not your typical emergency csection. Sedated mother = there was no time.
Surely she will stop at 10 after having another caesarean. It would be so dangerous for her and any future babies if she was to try again.
She has now had 6 pregnancies and births for 10 children, which includes one set of triplets and one set of twins? Adding in the twin birth and then two singletons within a very short period of time, and things have to be at the dangerous stage surely? I can't remember if Cosmo and Sylvie were a csection? Birdie wasn't? In any case she would have be be a total and utter fool to have another quick pregnancy.
She has now had 6 pregnancies and births for 10 children, which includes one set of triplets and one set of twins? Adding in the twin birth and then two singletons within a very short period of time, and things have to be at the dangerous stage surely? I can't remember if Cosmo and Sylvie were a csection? Birdie wasn't? In any case she would have be be a total and utter fool to have another quick pregnancy.

Cosmo and Sylvie were a c-sec and Birdie was a VBA2C at around 42 weeks I believe.
She did the exact same thing when the twins were born. Posted photos of them in their Halloween costumes- but not their sex. Then more waiting to reveal the name.
100% deliberate.
The Duggars only stopped after losing their youngest ( her 21st pregnancy). They have 19 children.
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