Chinions off topic chat #10

Does anyone follow mum on the run on TikTok ? I’ve never really paid attention to her before but just seen that she’s apparently left her child in an orphanage and returned to the Uk 😭

It’s not true she just lies and rage baits as it makes her money. She still has the kid. Although she is 100% mentally unwell and needs sectioned. She does neglect him tho his teeth are awful poor sod😢
It’s not true she just lies and rage baits as it makes her money. She still has the kid. Although she is 100% mentally unwell and needs sectioned. She does neglect him tho his teeth are awful poor sod😢
My heart fell out thinking about him being abandoned abroad!
Is she back in the Uk do you know or is that another lie? I always skip her videos because they make me feel so uneasy.
My heart fell out thinking about him being abandoned abroad!
Is she back in the Uk do you know or is that another lie? I always skip her videos because they make me feel so uneasy.

I don’t think she is in uk but she had been saying she needs to go do a visa run. I wouldn’t believe anything she says.
It’s not true she just lies and rage baits as it makes her money. She still has the kid. Although she is 100% mentally unwell and needs sectioned. She does neglect him tho his teeth are awful poor sod😢
I heard the exact same thing that she’s just lying for the attention it’s horrible
i knew it was gonna be him. What a freak. I missed it though did he get sentenced?
I said from the start it was him, but then doubted myself and felt bad for judging 😳😳
He got 3 years and a couple of months
I’d worry for any other girl he gets with after him saying the next girlfriend will be the last. Made me shiver a bit

Theres rumours he was in the masons as well and that there was some deals going on underhand between her dad and the bosses🧐
The NHS is more corrupt then we could ever think so I wouldn’t doubt this
The masons is another underground think which creeps me out, my ex’s grandad was involved with them

Theres rumours he was in the masons as well and that there was some deals going on underhand between her dad and the bosses🧐
I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true
No, what is it?
It’s a show about two people who start secretly seeing each other in school as the boy is popular and he fancies the unpopular girl, I finished 2 episodes and it seems alright so far! I’ve seen people commenting that it’s really sad though! It’s got Paul mescal and Daisy Edgar-jones in!
Has anyone watched “normal people” I started it last night as I saw a few clips on tiktok and I fear it might ruin me mentally🤣
It’s really good ❤️ I remember when it came out there was an insta page called Connel’s chain dedicated to his neck and the glimpses of chain lol
Hi, I’ve just made a thread on her. I couldn’t believe there wasn’t one already. I have no idea how to link it sorry

linked it for you x
