So I said she needed her own thread on c&a chat and so glad it’s here! I called Cherine out on a few things on TT, I’m blocked obviously, something never added up with her, the whole Tenerife story and being in hiding from the man she met in Tenerife who is now on the run, yet last week on Instagram she was asking if she was allowed to go to Tenerife, her friend Lorena replied to that post & said we can go we are both double jabbed. Lorena (also Lorraine) has on her bio on Instagram that she is cherines manager ….. contact her for collabs
I’m adamant the girl has serious issues always filming in hospital, saying she isn’t well, no energy & brittle asthma then jumping around the forge like a Duracell bunny. Her mum I think is just an enabler why would you let that happen, I don’t get the living your life on TT anyway but why constantly lie and try to get sympathy.
The recorded video of her talking to allana showed glimpses of the real Cherine, I’ve heard there is so much more, honestly if you feared for your life and were previously a ‘social worker’ would you be parading your life like that?