I’m new to this thread but I’m absolutely disgusted what she said about Tryone
I really enjoy watching Tryone. He’s so lovely. She is a jealous bitter
witch. Poor Tyrone’s partner got to see that all over the fyp too. I’m just glad all of the comments are defending Ty. She didn’t come on last night to do her FYP show did she? I know Mrs red mentioned it on her show too and everyone was fuming. How dare she compare Ty to a Peadlo
I hope when she do come back on everyone writes Tryone in her chat and then leaves. Her views have all ready dropped. People need to stop watching her. She’s vile. If I was Tyrone I would have taken that to the police and reported her.
I didn’t know Jack has moved in with her? This is the first time she has let a man at her flat. It’s proper old fashioned so she always books hotels. I’m shocked she’s let him move in.
I see Elsa have done a video standing by Tyrone and she said EQ man lives by her in a bed sit
So maybe he’s got in to a bit of trouble and had to move in with EQ.
Hmmm she must of purchased her birthday gifts herself and made out Jack got them for her. She got him a PlayStation a couple of days ago to for her house so he can play on it when she’s doing her FYP. She was taking about him like he was a kid!