I've watched Chelsea for a long time but now really struggle with it. At one point, I thought she might redeem herself. Get proper help for her problems but she just keeps going around in circles. She's incredibly self-destructive. I watched one of her lives where she talked about her childhood and it was incredibly sad and went a long way to explaining why she behaves the way she does but it's hard to have sympathy and understanding for someone who constantly lashes out and then has zero remorse. She never learns. She seems to be getting worse, the fact she didn't really address the incident in the hotel reception and now acts as if nothing happens. It's no big deal to her. All this means is that she's going to continue and at some point she's going to get beaten up or arrested or, most likely, sectioned. I do think at her core she is a sweet person but her demons are too strong and they surface far too much.