She really needs to stop the weed, it's not the help she thinks it is.
I used to smoke copious amounts of the stuff in my late teens - early 20's. I didn't have any problems with anxiety before that.
I remember my first 'funny turn' on cannabis, I'd had a 3 week break from smoking and fancied getting high. Within minutes of a bong (don't judge me
) I was in what can only assume was cannabis induced psychosis. I was seeing faces in the trees, everything was fading in and out, I was convinced the police were coming to arrest me, convinced I was about to die. I ran out of the house with the bong in my hand to hide it somewhere. God knows what was going on with my mind.
I had to go for a really long walk until it started to fade a bit. I didn't feel right for days. I tried it once or twice after that episode but the same thing kept happening. I haven't touched it in years and I'm left with residual anxiety that never really goes away. I've never been the same again.
As I touched on above I do have some MH problems that stem from alot of trauma (awaiting diagnostic confirmation of BPD or CPTSD) so I'm not suggesting cannabis caused that, but it certainly didn't help matters and abusing it daily definitely made my MH worse.
She needs to get intouch with CMHT via her GP. She needs some serious intervention before she ends up hurting herself.