Didn’t expect to be a mother this early….“23/24”….does she think she was a teen mum or deserves a medal for being “so young”?
She wasn’t exactly Fiona Bruce. There’s no reason for her to have only taken 8 weeks before going back to work. If Steven worked then there was no reason for her not to take the time off.
It says a lot that she focuses on ways to not actually touch her child. No to co sleeping, no to slings, she loves the bouncer. Because no 8 week old prefers to be held.
Doesn’t regret buying anything…. I bet.
Guys…she has a TRAIN FRIEND.
was a size 16-18 when fell pregnant. “Curvy and chubby” “really fit and healthy”. Putting the fact that she’d lost weight down to getting pregnant. Claims to have stopped drinking on a holiday because she felt a bit under the weather (because guys, she totally didn’t drink to excess when pregnant!!)
She lost quite a bit of weight when pregnant, guys. Felt smaller than ever. Didn’t buy anything maternity. Just all bump.
Had William, had a bit of a saggy tummy for a bit, and then went back into her normal clothes.
then drank and ate the weight on. Was unhappy.
Lost a stone with the 30 day shred and is comfortably a 16. Yes, at this picture…..
Someone’s always been a liar.