That SIL is an absolute Tattle mood . Who needs enemies with relatives like this .SiL doing her bit for showing the internet how Midsize actually looks in the wild. Even when she’s dolled up, when Charl is not the one controlling the camera it is evidently clear how ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE she is.
SiL doing her bit for showing the internet how Midsize actually looks in the wild. Even when she’s dolled up, when Charl is not the one controlling the camera it is evidently clear how ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE she is.
---Definitely doing her bit.
That bottom left photo is of the back of Charlotte so didn't even need to be in there but Nikki has put it in there showing that Charlotte is twice the size of her lol
I don’t believe that’s her little girls handwriting!!!
Please don’t shout me down (I don’t have kids) but shouldn’t a boy of her younger sons age know the difference of the letters b and d
In my eyes this is such a tricky topic. For a long time now I've worked with families who have lost an elderly relative to something that they knew was going to cause their death for a long time (dementia, cancer, Parkinsons etc.). Even with a life limiting illness death might not seem an obvious outcome because some people genuinely don't think their family will ever die. You can have the frailest, tiniest bird of a person in a hospital bed, who lived through both World Wars and is no longer cognisant with the world and sometimes their loved ones will tell you they should have all the life saving efforts you can think of. I've had people tell me that it was unfair their 102 year old great grandparent died and they should have been resused because they "had more to give the world". I've had children in their late 60s and early 70s ask me what they're meant to do now their parents are dead. Equally I've had 20 somethings who are facing the death of their parent in their early 50s calmly accept what's happening and work through it in a healthy manner. Grief and loss is so hugely complex and personal that I don't feel anyone should be judged for how they do it. HOWEVER. I do dislike huge outpourings of grief on social media because like @Kjbsjb says it's no longer about the person who died, it's all about spreading about how good you are at grieving, how sad you are, what you can get out of that sad post. How many people love you and want to validate your feelings. It's super unhealthy but people now use social media as a catch all - therapy, work, friendship, creative expression and a place to be yourself where you can just delete whoever disagrees with you.
We have a very weird view of death, grief and grieving in the Western world. Extravagant grief is to be reserved for the very tragic cases and if you live past a certain age then it's a blessing to have had you around that long, mourn for a few days then move on. You have to act a certain way. You have to pour out the right amount of sadness but not enough that it brings everyone else who didn't have such a close connection to the deceased down with you. You should honour and remember their memory but heaven forbid you talk about how much you miss them years after they've died.
I hear what you say and sympathise somewhat BUT.. I bleeping HATE the idea we should keep people alive for as long as possible (yes, even my very loved ones). I’m really vocal how at least with pets we get to choose when they’ve had enough (some people don’t do this) and can choose euthanasia on the cusp before they’re shutting themselves and can’t eat/feel really tit in themselves.In my eyes this is such a tricky topic. For a long time now I've worked with families who have lost an elderly relative to something that they knew was going to cause their death for a long time (dementia, cancer, Parkinsons etc.). Even with a life limiting illness death might not seem an obvious outcome because some people genuinely don't think their family will ever die. You can have the frailest, tiniest bird of a person in a hospital bed, who lived through both World Wars and is no longer cognisant with the world and sometimes their loved ones will tell you they should have all the life saving efforts you can think of. I've had people tell me that it was unfair their 102 year old great grandparent died and they should have been resused because they "had more to give the world". I've had children in their late 60s and early 70s ask me what they're meant to do now their parents are dead. Equally I've had 20 somethings who are facing the death of their parent in their early 50s calmly accept what's happening and work through it in a healthy manner. Grief and loss is so hugely complex and personal that I don't feel anyone should be judged for how they do it. HOWEVER. I do dislike huge outpourings of grief on social media because like @Kjbsjb says it's no longer about the person who died, it's all about spreading about how good you are at grieving, how sad you are, what you can get out of that sad post. How many people love you and want to validate your feelings. It's super unhealthy but people now use social media as a catch all - therapy, work, friendship, creative expression and a place to be yourself where you can just delete whoever disagrees with you.
We have a very weird view of death, grief and grieving in the Western world. Extravagant grief is to be reserved for the very tragic cases and if you live past a certain age then it's a blessing to have had you around that long, mourn for a few days then move on. You have to act a certain way. You have to pour out the right amount of sadness but not enough that it brings everyone else who didn't have such a close connection to the deceased down with you. You should honour and remember their memory but heaven forbid you talk about how much you miss them years after they've died.
That weird thing with her chest bone Stan has too. I wonder if it’s to do with SticklersHappy birthday to our midsize queen. We are so so proud of you, we really are.
Sorry…what’s that about a door handle? I think I’ve missed something. If it’s in the tribute video…I won’t be watching it to find out.She’s also found the time to get her nails done. Now, I’m of the belief that life does go on after someone has died. It’s unfortunately one of life’s only certainties and you can live your life while respectfully remembering and honouring your lost one.
But she can’t claim to be just floating about, not knowing how to act and feel, having Mark message her every day asking how she is, writing romantic poems about a bloody door handle…yet be able to schedule and sit through a nail appointment?! She’ll be back to her grieving widow act tomorrow, when her Celebration Day is over
That weird thing with her chest bone Stan has too. I wonder if it’s to do with Sticklers
My daughter is almost 11 and still has difficulty with 'b' and 'd' getting mixed up. She does however have mobility issues with her hands and so does stan so I'd say that would explain itI don’t believe that’s her little girls handwriting!!!
Please don’t shout me down (I don’t have kids) but shouldn’t a boy of her younger sons age know the difference of the letters b and d
As if we need a new thread already! I think that's a record. Any more thread title suggestions?