I did have a nose at her brother’s insta. He’s done a very respectful post, just a few lines, that’s all. He seems much more grounded than Charlotte.I actually would like to know what her family think. Did she ask permission from her nan/dad/any aunts/uncles before
posting about his passing? Did she check that everyone who needed to know already knew before posting. Does her Nan know that she’s posted a personal photo of her husband to over 50,000 strangers? Part of me thinks that she must have asked but then I can’t imagine asking a grieving widow that because it would be such a crass thing to do.
Her cousins must be rolling their eyes (and possibly be a bit angry) at the way she is trying to monopolise grief and use it for content but of course they won’t want to upset their parents/Nan so will keep it to themselves.
Wtf is she talking about trauma?! We had to more or less pull the plug on my mum, she knew she was going to die imminently and still tried to put a brave face on for us. She then took 15 hours to slowly, painfully, horrifically slip away, gasping for each breath while we all had to sit and watch. THAT was traumatic (and I'm sure there's far worse examples than that). She needs to give her head a serious wobble. This is the closest I've come to messaging her and then unfollowing
Wtf is she talking about trauma?! We had to more or less pull the plug on my mum, she knew she was going to die imminently and still tried to put a brave face on for us. She then took 15 hours to slowly, painfully, horrifically slip away, gasping for each breath while we all had to sit and watch. THAT was traumatic (and I'm sure there's far worse examples than that). She needs to give her head a serious wobble. This is the closest I've come to messaging her and then unfollowing
What has being chalk and cheese got to do with the loss of a grandparent?
She's so selfish isn't she, her brother came round with flowers for her... like he hasn't also lost a grandparent??? Screams that everyone in that family has to pander and tiptoe around big charl