VIP Member
OMG. Does she think she's a celebrity? Her wedding wasn't that great but she hasn't shut up about it. What will she talk about now? More begging?
The posts about racism are infuriating. She couldn't care less and to me, she screams smug white privilege. I'm pretty sure I've never seen her with anyone but a rich white woman. Tagging a few black female bloggers just isn't enough. Bloggers who've had to work 100x harder to get noticed. She must know this. But probably not... She lives in her little pink floral bubble, eating cheese and chocolate , lighting candles and parading her puffy smug mug around on camera moaning and crying too often, whilst occasionally mentioning Labour and how awful, darling! white privilege is.I think what annoys me most is the attempt to look just like us yet we are not sent bundles of stuff including those stupid instagrammers boots.
a close second is the random current event posts or posts about racism yet its always half arsed and false
I'd say Hannah Gale is a lot more tolerable and normal in comparison to Charlotte Cracklin. At least Hannah has some nice easy makeup tutorials and isn't a complete state. I think she's really attractive and curvy and positive. Cracklin Jacklin is like looking down at a bright pink monster turd.She is just another version of Hannah Gale - slobby, lazy, chubby, eats junk and faffs about the house all day moaning about their period.
Comparison is the thief of joy. Unless joy comes in the form of laughing hysterically and snorting my way through Cracklin's insta stories... Then I fully embrace it.And yet these commitments seem to prevent her from doing what exactly? She’s always watching tv with a cup of tea, boohoo. Also imagine a job which includes clearing out her wardrobe and reorganising her house?!
I unfollowed today because she does make me feel envious and I know that isn’t healthy.