Charlotte Dawson / CharlotteDawsy

Honestly, this girl is PAINFUL
Why's she holding her bump in every picture/video/tiktok like her body shape has changed? She has literally ALWAYS looked like that. I don't deny that you will have a small change and you'll definitely notice some kind of bump coming along (I am due shortly before her) but seriously, stop holding your belly like you're 6 months when you've just been scoffing on carbs for the last 16 weeks.
It really annoys me that this painful irritating persona she puts on actually makes her money. I'm sure she's really lovely, and I don't think she's stupid or anything. I just want her to be bloody normal!!

I am due around the same time as her and I am the same body shape as her I definitely don't have any sort of bump like that !! I have been bloated since being pregnant and no where near that size she did say she had a chippy tea before she did the photo shoot ?? more like putting on a fake bump for the pictures :unsure::unsure::unsure::rolleyes:
We must be due around a similar time!!! X
Honestly, this girl is PAINFUL
Why's she holding her bump in every picture/video/tiktok like her body shape has changed? She has literally ALWAYS looked like that. I don't deny that you will have a small change and you'll definitely notice some kind of bump coming along (I am due shortly before her) but seriously, stop holding your belly like you're 6 months when you've just been scoffing on carbs for the last 16 weeks.
It really annoys me that this painful irritating persona she puts on actually makes her money. I'm sure she's really lovely, and I don't think she's stupid or anything. I just want her to be bloody normal!!

We must be due around a similar time!!! X

I agree it’s so annoying how every pic or video she’s like OMG I’m so pregnant. Yes it’s lovely for you Charlotte but every single
Pic or a video with a stupid dance grabbing and wobbling your bump is just so uncomfortable
To watch lol
I live near them both and have a mutual friend. Volatile couple and they have broken up 100s of times, he can be an aggressive twit apparently behind closed doors. She is a nice person, exactly how she is on social media, she is loud and loves attention and you can hear her a mile off. She is smaller than she looks in real life.
I live near them both and have a mutual friend. Volatile couple and they have broken up 100s of times, he can be an aggressive twit apparently behind closed doors. She is a nice person, exactly how she is on social media, she is loud and loves attention and you can hear her a mile off. She is smaller than she looks in real life.
Going of your user name we live in the same area 😅
I live near them both and have a mutual friend. Volatile couple and they have broken up 100s of times, he can be an aggressive twit apparently behind closed doors. She is a nice person, exactly how she is on social media, she is loud and loves attention and you can hear her a mile off. She is smaller than she looks in real life.
I Can see Matt is like that tbh he’s defo got a nasty streak in him . He never looks happy to me , always grumpy
Why does he bump look massive in her grid pic from 20 hours ago? 👀 She looks almost ready to drop whereas in every other photo, she's struggling to cup it, desperate for it to be bigger. 😑 I'm thinking a fake bump, but why?
Why does he bump look massive in her grid pic from 20 hours ago? 👀 She looks almost ready to drop whereas in every other photo, she's struggling to cup it, desperate for it to be bigger. 😑 I'm thinking a fake bump, but why?
Defo fake bump for that ok magazine shoot , she doesn’t really look preggers yet in real life . I found it weird with all those people touching her belly at that party because their hands were rather low down lol I’d be like woah bit close to the birth canal that lol
Defo fake bump for that ok magazine shoot , she doesn’t really look preggers yet in real life . I found it weird with all those people touching her belly at that party because their hands were rather low down lol I’d be like woah bit close to the birth canal that lol
It's all very strange isn't that, that grid pic is absolutely laughable! 😂 Some get a bump early on, others not so, and clearlyy she'll take a few months to develop a big bump, but we still believe her, no need for a fake bump! 🙄
I live near them both and have a mutual friend. Volatile couple and they have broken up 100s of times, he can be an aggressive twit apparently behind closed doors. She is a nice person, exactly how she is on social media, she is loud and loves attention and you can hear her a mile off. She is smaller than she looks in real life.
Yeah they are always following and unfollowing each other. Charlotte’s mum doesn’t follow him either, I don’t think it’s a bed of roses. Wish she’d stop jumping around and shaking her belly!
I’m around the same time in my pregnancy at her I’m on baby 2, what she’s doing showing her huge bump at 12 weeks 🙄 is actually quite damaging I’m 18 weeks and on pins as I’m not even showing yet or anything makes you think somethings wrong l the time comparing to other people sizes in pregnancy
50% food 50% baby she posted....
More like 70% food 😬
I have no problem with her size, I couldn't care less tbh. Embrace it, do whatever you want. But please DONT pretend you have this big bump at 19 weeks...
Stop acting like a child yourself when you're bringing a baby into the world in a few months.. the things she says and does are weird