And up next on the comedy stage & all the way from Lytham issssss Chazza Dawson. Let's give her a big hand!
(Confused spatter of claps)
Hello my darlings it's Chazza too glam to give a chuffin damn
(Awkward silence)
Like I'm literally going to make you laugh, I'm funny me
(Irritated snorts)
So obviously you know dad was Les, I've parked him here ont stage like
(Beginnings of boos)
Ooh I can't cope one tits in Blackpool the other in Auss look at me swing 'em about
(Boos getting louder)
Look at this dance I can do like with me gurning & moving my arms
(Shouts of get off you daft tart)
No wait I can do a slut drop & hold one leg & jump it's sooo funneh
(Angry bellows & heckles)
Stop now let me finish I haven't done me cheeeeky boyyyyy routine yet
(Bottles & glasses thrown at stage)
Let's give another big hand to Chazza Dawson errr no encores Chaz stage door that way...
But I haven't done me Belly Blasters chips & graveh joke