Charlotte seems like a genuine person who has pretty much stayed true to herself throughout and after Geordie Shore. I didn’t like her at first because I just assumed things about her from the mainstream media, but when I’ve seen her on things she comes across as a very sweet and caring person. It’s a shame men (Joshua Bitchy being one) take advantage of this fact. She’s been in the public eye for over a decade now and she’s stayed out of controversy and not hurt anybody, she doesn’t deserve all the tit she gets. I realise in another post I called her a puffa fish with regards her fillers, and I shouldn’t have done that - her fillers and face modifications came from a place of insecurity, from little man-boys (like Gary Beadle) mind bleeping her into thinking her beautiful face, body and personality weren’t enough. It’s terribly sad and I hope she has people in her life who do build her up and tell her that she’s a good person who is worth loving just the way she is.