I don’t like to compare babies because they develop at different rates but when my one year old were the twins age she was a lot more advanced. I think it’s because we interact with her A LOT. she has tv max of an hour a day and every meal time we sit at the table with her and she’s learnt so many words from us sitting down together. Those poor babies need routine now. I truly believe you get out what you put in with babies. Char… if you’re reading this your babies NEED you. They want their mommy’s comfort and cuddles, they want mommy to PLAY with them (no screens), they want mommy to put them to bed at a good time!!
with the babies waking at 11 am does that mean when they start eating more they won’t have breakfast?!!
char is acting like a teenager , putting her own selfish needs before her babies. She said she was made to be a mum? What? She is only meeting their physical needs but emotionally she’s just not there for them and they merely seem like an inconvenience. You can’t be on lives every night until late when you have two babies!!! Reece will get fed up of being the only one who’s carrying the load with those babies.
Also, why does she NEVER take them out on a walk in the fresh air??? Why doesn’t she want to get out that flat herself? I truly believe she’s suffering with her MH. She’s only happy when she’s on live or shopping.
What is her mum playing at? She’s a maternity assistant, can’t she see what her daughter is doing is so unhealthy for those babies?
You wait char, once they’re older you won’t get away with all this! Tantrums, and eventually poor sleepers from the lack of routine and so much screen time.