Carrie Johnson

I was at uni with one of his daughters who is only a few years younger than Carrie and I am completely aghast at their relationship but can also see why, for her, the perks might be worth it. I remember seeing this article a while ago which gave an interesting insight into the dynamic
Well there's absolutely no doubt about the paternity of at least their oldest kid

Puts me in mind a bit of Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon, even the hair colour in question
I’ve heard a rumour that he already cheated on Carrie and got a nanny pregnant. Awful man has literally not a speck of a moral compass. I can only think that Carrie is the same sort of person as him and gives as good as she gets 🤷🏻‍♀️

Or turns a blind eye because she doesn't want to rock the boat and lose everything she's gained from being with him as gruesome as he is.