Even if they do, the set is tiny. The watermill holds 220 people. This is a tiny production going on some of the biggest stages in the UK
God this is going to be a complete tit show.
I can’t wait.
Even if they do, the set is tiny. The watermill holds 220 people. This is a tiny production going on some of the biggest stages in the UK
I don't know if the sunscreen thing is that deep. I call the SPF I put on my face sunscreen and the slip-slap-slop stuff I put on my body suncream. I don't know why, I suppose "sunscreen" differentiates the two? I haven't heard any fellow Brit say "I put suncream on my face" if they're talking about a separate problem and not the Nivea Factor 30 they've put everywhere else.
Carrie's probably reading off a script though, if it's an ad for Skin&Me like every man and his dog have done.
Can someone wittier and less stressed than me make a thread title out of something to do with “whip (put your ass) crack awayyyy” ? Thanks in advance xoxo
“As a husband to Carrie and a dad to Mabel, it’s made me respect women”
Wow. Think before you speak!!!!!!!!!!! (I know you live for !) I have 4 kids, 2 boys. I can guarantee that both, one an adult, one a teen, respect women. They didn’t need a wife or child to do this. It isn’t just that Ive taught them to, so has my husband, my brother, my dad, other female and male family and friends.
Gail and his dad must really be tit if this is what it’s taken. Absolute knob head
Especially one going to all those venues!!Also, I hope for the sake of the rest of the cast and crew that this isn’t true, but… I don’t imagine a tour of Calamity Jane is gonna sell the tickets it needs to remain viable.
No offence, but has anyone really been gagging for a revival of that show?
The lipless, no-neck walking ick strikes again!“As a husband to Carrie and a dad to Mabel, it’s made me respect women”
Wow. Think before you speak!!!!!!!!!!! (I know you live for !) I have 4 kids, 2 boys. I can guarantee that both, one an adult, one a teen, respect women. They didn’t need a wife or child to do this. It isn’t just that Ive taught them to, so has my husband, my brother, my dad, other female and male family and friends.
Gail and his dad must really be tit if this is what it’s taken. Absolute knob head
Also, I hope for the sake of the rest of the cast and crew that this isn’t true, but… I don’t imagine a tour of Calamity Jane is gonna sell the tickets it needs to remain viable.
No offence, but has anyone really been gagging for a revival of that show?
Well, she did once refer to herself as kind, so who knows lollol carrie is that you
Even if they do, the set is tiny. The watermill holds 220 people. This is a tiny production going on some of the biggest stages in the UK
I can actually imagine Hannah being in this and doing a good job. She has the right energy, and she can dance too. The Jodie prenger footage, I did momentarily think it was Carrie!RAN here after seeing that casting announcement. What on earth are they thinking? If they’re gonna stunt cast, they should at least stunt cast someone who’s relevant. Nobody gives a duck about Carrie anymore.
Why not do Hannah Lowther or someone like that? She has a big following, and at least she has the talent and training to back it up.