*Big post incoming! For context this is reacting to something Carrie posted on her paid Instagram*
So she's like.. laughing? At being called a red flag, and saying that you should be proud of people calling you and the things you do red flags because it means you're in love?
I do somewhat understand the whole, "Accept your cringe and be free!" mindset, I'm sure me and my boyfriend do very gross PDA's that onlookers may not appreciate but I don't think anyone in the history of the world or the internet has ever said, "Well if moving in together on the first date and marrying in less than a year is a red flag, then be proud you're a red flag!"
There's hundreds of people on this site of all ages, all walks of life, who've experienced more relationships than her, who may actually have a background in psychology or therapy- there will be people on here who have been through certain bad relationships or who have seen loved ones acting in similar ways to her and Joel, who absolutely know how to recognize alarm bells and damaging behaviours, or self-sabotaging risks. Moving in on the first day, engaged after a few months and married in less than a year.. in 2023, is a red flag. It's a huge risk. It's irrational. It's scary.
(I did say in a previous post about people doing that in the sixties, but let's be honest, a lot of Boomer relationships are tragically unhealthy and damaging to both people, and inevitably sour. Hence the high divorce rates)
This isn't a matter of us all having never experienced real love, it's that we have all experienced and/or recognize erratic behaviour, and are consequentially and justifiably weirded out, worried, or cynical.
I have been in three serious relationships, the one I'm in now, one that lasted four years and one that lasted two. I would have absolutely married them both in the first year, I was smitten. But after four years and cohabiting for two, I realised we were not compatible, and I left. The one I was in for two, I got cheated on. You cannot deeply and fully understand someone enough to commit your entire life to them in less than a year. Think about it, did Pete punch that wall in the first year? Was Ollie critical of her appearance and hobbies in the first year? I highly doubt it.
And.. you've been married just over a month. You should be living every day in an absolute state of bliss, not indulging in reading your own hate forums online.
Carrie if you're reading this please please take one afternoon off to yourself and think!