Her husband spent a lot on make-up advents, maybe he wants to improve her, how could anyone improve on such perfection, just look at that picture! It says, "My name's Fawn, this is my happy place and I like to brag about dead animals made into handbags. Reminds me of ed gein, that guy from the usa, the police discovered he had a house full of items made from skin, texas chainsaw massacre was based off him. The ed geins of youtube all foaming at the mouth as they salivate over the latest leather bag and pretend they don't know that animals sometimes are skinned alive in poor countries like india because the bolt in the head did not kill them.
Women and i use the word loosely, on youtube can brag about it because they are all disney princesses! Makes me want to vomit. One day, this planet will heal and the meek shall inherit the earth, youtubers can rot in hell for all I care. Someone created a frankenstein when they opened that website!