I think CH is in danger of burn out. Kudos to the management that she went to after Gleam they have really moved her profile up the scale; books, TV etc etc, BUT does she have to jump on every bandwagon going. It must be exhausting to be her.
I think that she has been savvy to monetise her USP.
What is irritating me about this bloody book launch is that the majority of people she is reposting with the 'bible' have either been given the book for free or have been given it for free and are mentioned in it so of courses they are going to be sycophantic about it. Has anyone actually read it????
In fairness I am sure it is a rehash of all her free content on her blog with some nice pictures thrown in.
Well done CH for getting the book deal in the first place, however it was inevitable as that is what You Tubers/Bloggers do next and as she shouts the loudest and is the Queen it was always going to be her.
One other thing I have thought about CH...she professes to be 12th generation counter girl, (lets call it what it is) and that the beauty industry is in her Swedish Cherokee blood etc etc however I am not sure I buy that. She worked in HMV when she first came to London (she may have mentioned it a few times) and then probably fell into counter work as she had no formal qualifications. There is nothing wrong with that but I am not sure it was a life-long ambition. She then has managed to move up the chain but one would query as to whether that was to get her off the shop floor for fear of frightening the customers.
I just wish she could deal with all the bandwagoning in a more measured way instead of being manic. She cannot be everything to everyone and she is in danger of just becoming a parody IMO.