Plod: Hello Police here, what's the problem?
Claire: I am being harassed by Tattle and DHB
Plod: We take that very serious madam, please explain
Claire: Tattle and DHB keep calling me a beg, but I am a social influencer, it's my job
Plod: It's your job to beg?
Claire: well, I am trying to be queen bee on the leaderboard and all I am asking for is lippy's and they only cost 6 coins, for £14.00 people can buy 1400 coins so if they send me 10 lippy's it's a bargain, but I need 10 lippy's to get 1000 points as points mean I get money
Plod: so you are begging?
Claire: No, Its my job, it's not my fault kids are allowed on the app and the parents don't watch what the kids are doing or what they are spending money on
Plod: sounds like begging to me, and from kids? Hmm, ok, begging without due care and attention, taking money from minors without parental consent, begging from the vulnerable
Claire: Tattle and DHB keep saying I am breaching copyright, I only print a few hoodies, and cups and a few other bits, it's a very small business I run from my council house
Plod: Are you using copyright pictures?
Claire, well yes but I am not clever, how am I meant to know all of this? I did it without even knowing it was a problem
Plod: Did you get permission from your council to run the business? Do you have business insurance? Do you have a clear and precise returns policy as that's the law?
Claire. well no, but I'm working on it
Plod: Hmmm ok, Stealing copyright, working from unlicensed premises, no insurance, no clear return address
Claire: They keep on about my baby clothes, they keep saying they have to be tested but the factory already tested them
Plod: Have you modified them?
Claire: No I just put a plastic transfer on them
Plod: That's called modified, you have to take them to a special place to get tested, its the law
Claire: But I am just a mum with a small business how was I meant to know that?
Plod: Hmmm, No regulatory testing of baby clothes to check for fumes and fire safety
Claire: Tattle and DHB keep telling me I neglect my kids and put social media first
Plod: what makes them say that?
Claire: I overfeed them with stodgy pasta, rice and bread, they are a little overweight but so are a lot of kids, but I do treat them to a packet of crisps and a chocolate bar after they have eaten the stodgy dinners
Plod: Hmmm ok,, this one is very serious, failing to give your child a healthy nutritious dinner, to encourage life long healthy habits
Claire: Are you having a laugh? I come to you for help and all you do is harass me as well? I am a nice person, Andy even threatens with his baseball bat but people still hate on me
Plod: Hmmm ok, Threatening behaviour with an offensive weapon
Claire: This is giving me anxiety
Plod: Madam, all you have to do is not beg, not expose or exploit kids, not neglect your own family, not give out unprofessional mental health advice, not give unprofessional diet advise AND STAY THE duck AWAY FROM TIK TOK
Claire Marie Hale You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence